
07/26/2024 I am entirely too pleased with myself for managing another update in July. But then again, it is pretty significant, and not just because it's the first time this year I've logged more than one update in a month. Part of why I haven't been able to work on the site as much as I want is because β€” I am happy to say β€” I have developed a pretty active social life in the past year. It's been a lot of fun, but it has been a challenge to manage my time and money enough to do all the things I want to do.

But as a result, I've made more of a conscious effort lately to carve out some me time, both to work on my hobbies and save money. I love the friends I'm making and I love going out, but it's important to balance it all. I'm learning how to do that as my calendar, to-do list and bucket list fill up! And being able to do that β€” not only have such a full life, but taking such an active role in it β€” feels like growth and positive change for me on a personal level. Maybe this isn't America's Decline after all! Haha.

Anyway, here's what I've added since the last update:

Every time I work on this site, I get excited and inspired. The new layout and these recent updates have reminded me that it's truly an important creative outlet for me. I hope I'll be able to make more time to express that passion through more updates! Until then...

07/15/2024 FINALLY an update that isn't coming at the very end of the month β€” and it's an exciting one! I'm pleased to share this new layout for the main site β€” the fifth since I started this site, and it might be my favorite one so far. I named it "Apple", after the Charli xcx song from her newest album BRAT, which came up on shuffle as I started typing this update β€” BRAT summer is in full force!

I've been inspired by that song and album, and their themes β€” hedonism, decay, euphoria, ambivalence, drugs, partying, introspection and wisdom β€” and bright, brash imagery ("the apple could turn yellow or green," as Charli observes on "Apple," and "lemons on the trees and on the ground ... neon orange drinks on the beach" from one of my personal favorites from the album, plus the controversial low-fi puke green album cover) since the album dropped.

But I was also inspired by the banner on the homepage, which I made a couple of years ago to use as a cover photo for my Facebook page (lol). I had just moved and was feeling homesick, so made this semi-ironic collage to pay homage to summers growing up in South Texas β€” listening to Selena, riding my bike past countless multi-colored murals paying homage to artists and icons like Selena and Frida Kahlo, going to the fruiteria or raspa stand and getting a giant fruit cup topped with pounds of TajΓ­n or a plate of Hot Cheetos drenched in nacho cheese sauce, watching MTV, eating Whataburger. I randomly came across it while organizing my desktop files recently and was inspired to make a summer layout for the site.

Even though the header image was made with some leval of ironic detachment, when I started coding this layout, I kind of saw the connection between it and the themes that I've been inspired by this summer β€” from BRAT and beyond β€” and it made me appreciate it in a new way. Whether or not that meaning comes through in the layout, I also think it's just visually fun and summery. I showed it to some IRL friends while I was working on it and they thought it was cool. I hope you do too!

I have a lot more I want to do and I hope this new layout will inspire me to work through my to-do list for the site β€” if #BRATSUMMER activities don't distract me, haha.

06/30/2024 Once again, hopping on with a last-minute update, purely to make good on my one update a month goal. Unfortunately, it's a very minor update, but I:

I've seen so much great content around BRAT online and it's moments like this I'm annoyed that I'm not a full-time content creator because the hype might be dead by the time I finish this page haha. But I'm excited to dive into some of the content for research and report back. Hopefully it inspires a more robust and timely update next time β€” although with brat summer in full swing, it may be a minute... idk we'll see!!

05/31/2024 Sat down to make one very minor update that I've been meaning to make for awhile. I've been busy and otherwise occupied, but this website is still a project I'm excited about and want to make good on my goal of making at least one update per month, even if they're small! Today, I:

  • Updated my mary-kateandashley collection page with a recent Poshmark purchase (a cute shiny denim crossbody bag)
  • Added longer descriptions to each item currently on the page.

As usual, have so much more I want to do, but so little time! Looking forward to the next time I'm able to work on the site. <3

04/28/2024 Wanted to get more done before I updated the log, but also didn't want to not make good on my goal of updating monthly, so a small update:

  • Shared some more acquisitions in DECLINED. I was really excited to write about one of my favorite Britney Spears perfumes. I have a few more things to add to this section, but hope to work on some other parts of the site first!
  • Created sub-paged to the about section, including a page about me and a page about the site
    • Added images of past layouts of the site to the about the site page.

I'm going to try to get some more work done in sections other than my shopping sections... but it's been a big shopping season for me and I'm excited to yap about it. We'll see what I get up to. TTYL!

03/20/2024 I really want to commit myself to making at least one update a month on here, even if it's small. I wish I had more to share and hope to do more than that somewhat regularly, but for now:

  • A quick update to the acquisitions section of DECLINED, my shrine to my shopping addiction. Writing these little reviews was a fun exercise and I lowkey think some of the writing slays a bit.

Hope to write more soon!!

02/06/2024 I am very excited to publish this new layout for the main site! It's inspired by bedazzed velour Juicy Couture tracksuits, Barbiecore and Valentine's.

I'm working on refreshing some other pages on the site and I wanted to debut them all at once, but I couldn't wait to share this new look. I'm hoping to be able to update select other pages soon!

01/20/2024 Happy new year! I've been plugging away at some different parts of the site since my last update, but didn't feel like anything was in a place to log yet. But I just published my first significant update in awhile, and it's been a few months since I last logged something, so I figure it's time to note some of the things I've been working on:

  • New Spotify wrapped review in the music section, featuring some of the most in-depth writing I've ever done on this site, plus an all-new layout (my first mobile-responsive layout!)
  • Created a new section in the Mary-Kate and Ashley Shrine, dedicated to their fashion endeavours.
    • Added a page to this section, showcasing my collection of memorabilia from the Olsens' fashion lines.
  • Archived my 2023 updates

I'm really proud of a lot of the writing on this year's Wrapped feature, and I had a lot of fun making the layouts for these updates. I'm more inspired than ever and really hoping I can be more intentional this year with working on the site.

Until next time!

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