02/25/2025 Finally — my annual Spotify wrapped review is here! There was so much good music last year, I was inspired to write more in-depth analyses than ever before. I did research on everything from luxury perfume to the biology of apples. I also gave the section a unique design and split the content up into multiple pages. I put a lot of work into this feature and I'm really proud of how it turned out! I hope you enjoy reading it. :)
I'm also working on some other features I'm really excited about. I'm hoping I can still aim for at least one update per month this year, but I'm not going to stress about it. But I do have tons of plans for this space and I hope I can realize them in the coming months. <3
01/21/2025 Happy new year! My year has started on kind of a stressful note, but I'm actually really proud of how I've been navigating everything. I might write more about it soon, but for now, I just wanted to share the updates I've made so far this year:
- New shrine dedicated to XKYLAR, a really cool pop artist, DJ and visual artist who released one of my favorite songs of last year. Features include:
- A close reading of XKYLAR's single "SLUT."
- Free downloads, including desktop wallpapers, cell phone lockscreens and website graphics.
- Added some new Neocities neighbors to the links page.
- Archived my 2024 updates
I've been busy behind the scenes planning major updates for the next few months, drafting content and designing new pages. I'm really excited about of the stuff I'm working on and look forward to sharing it.
'Til then...